Thermistor high-tech - ultimately will have access to, are on the use of finished or semi-finished products are thermal appliances, their combination has so many kinds of air-conditioner for refrigerator thermometer..., is this not listed one by one.
And thermistor is inside of the active components, before purchase, need to know the appearance, resistance and use, and communicate with thermistor manufacturer the essence of using, have experience of thermistor manufacturer sometimes need you better plan to suggest you change or upgrade.
Which thermistor is good for manufacturers use?
Industry News
高科技 - 根本上会使用到热敏电阻的,都是使用正在成品或者半成品的感温器具上,其结合有无比多种比方冰箱 空调机 温度表。,正在此就没有逐个罗列了。而热敏电阻是内中的前者主动部件,购置前需晓得其外观,阻值及使用,并与热敏电阻厂家沟通其运用本质,有时有经历的热敏电阻厂家也会需要你更好的计划来提议你变卦或者升级。